Earwax Removal


What is ear wax?

Earwax is a substance produced by the glands present in the ear canal. Though, the scientists are not sure why our ears produce wax, they believe that the earwax helps trap dust and other particles from reaching the eardrum and damaging it. The wax, normally, falls off along with the trapped debris when dry. The amount and type of earwax produced is determined genetically. In certain cases, the ear canals may be small or oddly shaped. This makes it difficult for the wax to find its way out and may cause wax impaction.


• The blockage or earwax impaction may occur due to oddly shaped or small canals. It may also occur when the wax is pushed too far in to the ear canal.
• Q-tips and objects like bobby pins and napkin corners also cause impaction of earwax.
• Use of earphones, ear plugs and hearing aid can also lead to impaction.


• Reduced hearing
• Dizziness
• Sensation of fullness
• Ear pain
• Itching or drainage of the ear canal
• Tinnitus or ringing sound in the ear


At home
• Over-the-counter ear drops that soften the wax can be used in the ear and the wax should be allowed to drain out.
• Flushing the ear with warm water
Medical treatment
• The doctor may remove the earwax with a small spoon like instrument or flush the ear with warm water, sodium bicarbonate or ear drops


Earwax impaction can be prevented by not using cotton-tipped swabs, Q tips and other objects to clean the ear canal. These tend to push wax deeper into the ear canals. You may use them to clean the external ear without introducing them to the insides.

What you can expect when you visit our clinics

1. Stop by our front desk to visit a certified Nurse Practitioner or Physician Assistant. No appointment is required.
2. Your medical practitioner will examine your medical background, go over your medical issues, perform an examination and supply you with an individualized plan for treatment. This might consist of non-prescription items or a medical prescription.
3. Towards the end of your visit to our clinic, your medical attendant will give you an overview, an invoice and some instructional material may be given.
4. The overview of your clinic visit can be forwarded to your primary health care provider with your authorization.